The biggest trend we’re hearing about currently is that self-gifting is the new gifting – as a wise anonymous person once said ‘the best gifts are those that you buy yourself’ and we couldn’t agree more. Think about it – it’ll be exactly what you want; and if it isn’t right you can return or exchange it with no stigma at all. If it’s something indulgent or silly or out of character (me? I can’t resist anything sloth or flamingo related and you perhaps wouldn’t expect that if you knew just a little bit about me…) it’s between you and, erm, you. And if it’s something that you’ve saved up for or waited for with delicious anticipation then, well, the day it drops through the post box or you get the email from the store saying your wondrous self-gift has arrived, how special is THAT?
As thoughts turn to Valentine’s Day on 14th February perhaps you’re wondering ‘what’s the point’ or ‘my partner or the person I fancy the pants off (might be both – hopefully) doesn’t ‘do’ Valentine’s Day or ‘won’t remember’ or ‘oh no, oh no no no no, we don’t bother, so commercialised’ or any of the other reasons not to celebrate love on a specific day, stop wondering and take control with a little treat for yourself. Hell! Even send yourself a little card telling you how great you really are.
For those of you who might just not feel like participating in this particular fête de l’amour don’t miss out because you can always rely on you. We suggest, as a little self treat dear reader, the Izzy set in ruby red for a little ooh la la – and yes, it’s ok to feel ooh la la in your underwear just for yourself; perhaps one of our stunningly priced Maison Lejaby sets (unbeatable prices for outstanding top quality French Lingerie) or perhaps one of the lovely Wacoalsets – again at unbeatable prices. And if someone wants to treat you that’s great too, just share this blog with them and make sure they know what size you want – or that one of our online gift cards will suffice thank you very much – and you’ll be right there in control of your own self gifting experience. And as a special treat for you because you’re super worth it we’ll even give you a Valentine’s Day code LOVEGIFT - for 15% off your order to give you something to make your treat even sweeter.*
All of which will make you feel as though you’ve received the BEST Valentine’s Day gift and it was all your own, clever work. Ta da.
Our 15% off 'LOVEGIFT' offer
valid from 8th – 15th February inclusive, Full price merchandise only