Dreading bra shopping for your little bust? Don't stress, we've got you covered!
I'm flat chested and I used to hate bra shopping but I'm about to make that super high mountain seem like a tiny molehill.
The amount of times I have been successful when bra shopping can be counted on less than one hand. Having super small boobs used to be something I was pretty insecure about and when going bra shopping the choice of bras for a 32 A cup was well… Let’s just put it this way, if I didn’t want random garish patterns or to be forced to choose from the teen training bra range, sometimes I would literally just go without! To be fair, it wasn’t too horrendous taking this approach because small boobs are easy to disguise – I guess we could just list that as a benefit.
The bra gods knew that the small boob babes like me were in DIRE need of some choice and a couple of options to make us feel more sophisticated, confident and a little sexier. The gods knew that there needed to be a solution for us girls who daily struggle was cup gaps!
Then BOOM, retailers and online stores finally delivered the goods, hurrah!
As an advocate of beautiful lingerie, I felt as if my prayers had been answered and I’m about to answer your bra prayers too!! The following bras are guaranteed to fulfil your small-bust needs, provide perfectly fitting bra solutions and help you achieve ultimate #BraGoals!
So, as I have been fortunate enough to shop the best bras for my teeny bust I felt it was only right to share my two biggest finds with the itty bitty titty committee.
Problem numero uno – shopping bras in normal high-street stores NEVER fit right on little boobs because they are made based upon a 36DD cup and scaled down to AAA, AA and A cups, hence why we can never fill the cups and cup gaps are a thing. Eurgh. Buuuuuut there is a solution to this problem, buy your bras from retailers who specialise in small cup bras e.g.. Little Women! Our bras and brands we stock are created with petite bust ladies in mind so cup gaps can VAMOS!!!!
Second issue for us ladies is that bras can usually be uncomfortable when purchased from regular high-street brands because the spacing of the bra cups are often designed for those with larger boobs… They don’t take into account that we have a much flatter panel between our boobs that ‘scaled down’ bras cannot logically cater for! What I found was that using bras from specialist companies like Little Women catered for the different way that our breast tissue is arranged and the cup spacing is much wider which makes them sooooo much more comfortable to wear.
Below are the bras of dreams for any gal of any age with the same things in common – little boobs and wanting cute bras… gosh I feel like a bra goddess now!
Also girls, please don’t hesitate to contact our team via Instagram, Facebook or email for any other queries or enquiries about our bras, or call our gorgeous lingerie angels between 9:30 -1:30 any week day for friendly and practical advice on any aspect of lingerie on 0161 505 1840.
Lots of love,
Holly x